"I hold the light for you.
I breathe in the light with you.
We exhale our light together.
And share light breath with all."
Sharing the Sacred Light, from the P'nti:
The solutions to the world's problems
begin with ourselves.
There IS NOT Snowballing Potential from Doing
(within an artificial scarcity-based system)
because a scarcity-based system is Ultimately Winner-Take-All,
and is Extremely Heavily Leveraged Against Nearly Everyone.
There IS Snowballing Potential from Feeling
which ultimately
Metaphysically Allows Love-Based Solutions
The Endorsement Necessary for Realization.
💚 Love Finds A Way, Beginning With Feelings 💚
Feeling, not doing (amidst artificial scarcity), offers exponential potential.
(And it aligns with us being innately metaphysical/spiritual beings, rather than machines.)
We always want to decide to be:
✨🌺💜🌸🌟 More Like Spiritual Beings 🌟🌺💜🌸✨
(Whos: Beings Identified by Love,
who are
Altruistic > Intelligent
Innately Sacrosanct
Irreducible Inspirations
Who Are
Strong-Willed, Courageous, Passionate, Vivid, and Clear
Conditioning and Conventions
📺🔈📊🦾 Less Like Robots 📺🔈📊🦾
(Whats: Beings Identified by Symbology,
that are
Intelligent > Altruistic
Innately Commodity
Reductions to Skill Sets
That Are
Weak-Willed, Complacent, Unmotivated, Jaded, and Agnostic
Conditioning and Conventions
Ongoing election-based popularity contests
to defer social trendsetting to the regional protection rackets
obviously will not solve the world's problems.
Yet the voluntary venue of culture
is where true and lasting change begins.
Emotions are everything.
Communication condenses to how we make people feel.
🌺 Love > Fear 🚨
💜💪💜 Courage > Cowardice 🔈💣🔈
💝💛💚 Openness > Closedness ⛔❌⛔
🌈🌈🌈 #SerialLovers not #SerialKillers ☠️☠️☠️
When we openly share the love in our hearts,
we exemplify a safe space that allows others to grow their hearts.
🌺💝🌸 Giving feels better than Receiving. 🎁
So by being vulnerable, you- most of all-
give others the gift of being able to give compassion to you.
Princess Gaia is conscious.
As she feels how much we love each other,
within the grand central purpose of lovingly healing her,
she experiences healing.
Culture is the voluntary venue of engagement.
Our emotionally-driven courage
(the most intrinsic aspect of who we are)
can initiate a safe space for everyone,
which then expands indefinitely.
💕💖🌈🎨🌺❤️💞 #LoveLetterConfetti 💕💖🌺🎨🌈💞💕
Changing the culture of the world with so many public love letters that there is no path but forward.
••• Love Reuniting Across Lives •••
The Twin Flame of My Shared Soul,
My Precious Dance Partner
Together Across the Eons of Our Soul's Existence
is presently incarnated as 💖Jrooti, a wondrous P'nti lady
who travelled approximately 400 light years to be with us,
and whose gracious, visionary soul exemplifies rightmindedness.
We are together not because have to be,
but because we cherish each other and the sanctities of our consciences,
and we keep choosing to be together...for eons.
We are not perfect.
Yet our dream is that our open eternal relationship
would serve as an example of the beautiful future of harmony
that is imminently accessible between earth humans and all innately-sacred beings
regardless of sizes, shapes, aesthetics, histories, cultures, forms, states, capabilities, places of origin, and/or anything else.
All That Ultimately Exists Is Love.
All of Us Are Love.
All of Us Are One.
••• https://twitter.com/i/events/1516901781892083712 •••
••• https://twitter.com/SteveThomasNow/status/1512068218164183044 •••
••• https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy8BatXuVPcgVmNrKbo1q6qmtfzlhkIxF •••
True love is unconditional and voluntary.
Unconditional: Because conditions would counter it.
Voluntary: Because it must extend to the depth of one's heart.
Our soul family is seeking to lovingly reawaken us
to the sanctity and responsibility of each of our personal consciences.
This 20-hour playlist allows you to binge watch an overview of Official First Contact!
Individual Emotions Are Everything
✨🌟✨ Telepathy Is Real ✨🌟✨
Consequently, in the same way that an angry dog can be perceived as either
threatening or more accurately as crying for help
(as a classic abuser compensating for internal weakness)...
By sending telepathic "doggie treats" as soulfully compassionate lifelines,
we can powerfully switch
"worst enemies" into "best friends".
Evolving our perceptions,
we can facilitate constructive realities.
By sharing common interests
such as favorite summertime music
we can bond.
Quantum physics establishes that time, space, and matter are illusions.
Reality, on the other hand, is comprised of consciousness, energy, and emotions.
🌸🌟🌞💝🌺 With unconditional love 🌟🌺🌞💝🌸
(rather than heartless matter)
framing the Universe,
reality is better conceptualized
as a flurry of love letters
than random atoms.
• • • • • #LoveIsNotARobot • • • • •
Altruism > Intelligence
Compassion > Math
Precious guidance about our individual identities and purposes
is graciously available as gifts from the higher spiritual realms,
encoded within parameters as simple as our names and birthdays.
Here's how you can uncover guidance about your identity and purpose:
"Master Numbers" (Centering on Print Pages 23-44) by Dr. Felicia Bender – https://amzn.to/3Hh4n2r
"The Sacred Power in Your Name" by Ted Andrews – https://amzn.to/3v8B1kl
"Redesign Your Life" by Dr. Felicia Bender – https://amzn.to/3to6ooG
"Dream Alchemy" (Print Pages 126-134) by Ted Andrews – https://amzn.to/3halTdV
You may want to pay attention to the night sky,
amidst observations that we are graduating beyond the paradigm of spacetime.
The lead channeler of the P'nti, Su Walker,
shared this powerful photo collection in March 2022,
introducing our wonderful #SasquatchFamily.
Discussion at Twitter: https://bit.ly/3JItayx
In association with a very complex range of surrounding factors,
multiple scenarios existed (and continue to exist) for the unfolding of OFC.
Gradual Unfolding – A Favorable Scenario (Presently Active)
This projection was introduced by Jeff Demmers (CEO and Executive Director of the Infinite Voice Project nonprofit) within the January 17, 2021 episode of the "Infinite Star Connections Podcast".
• Entire Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dv3xz1F3cMI
• Podcast from OFC Discussion - https://youtu.be/Dv3xz1F3cMI?t=4078
The advantages include:
• Richer opportunities for Earth humans to achieve self-led growth in spiritual courage.
• More opportunities for Earth humans (already familiar beings) to prepare other Earth humans.
• A longer transition for cultural adaptation.
• Opportunities for fully-direct contact in future to be characterized by
sacred celebration on the basis of strong prior bonding during collaboration in spiritual service,
rather than superficiality in the absence of earlier-established meaningful commonalities.
Less Gradual Unfolding – A Less Favorable Scenario (Avoided So Far)
While close Earth human contacts, myself included, would undoubtedly be thrilled to meet face-to-face, eat, and dance with our soul family at the soonest opportunity- unnecessary immediacy would erode the advantages outlined above.
Nonetheless, my understanding- up toward the close of the long-projected autumn 2021 timeframe of OFC- was that such a manner of contact within autumn 2021 remained a key contingency.
Twitter Account of P'nti (@SandiaWisdom) – December 21, 2021 (End of Autumn 2021)
• Statements on Gradual Rollout
• Explanation Relative to Contingency Case of Sharper Rollout
My Twitter Account (@SteveThomasNow) – December 21, 2021
• Statement to P'nti of Personal Interpretation
• Request for Correction if Wrong – No correction was subsequently received.
• Congratulations to Supporters of Our Soul Family
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1.) Nature.
2.) Indigenous rights.
3.) Other social conventions.
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