This presentation on multidimensionality (a gift to you from your soul family for the 2023 holiday season) was delivered from the land of the Tachi Yokuts, the rightful senior stewards of the area now known as the San Joaquin Valley of Central California. Here is a video introduction to them: https://tinyurl.com/TachiYokuts.
Indigenous cultures have millennia of prior experience successfully stewarding the land now comprising the United States, and remain its rightful curators. 🌸🌺💖🌎💖🌺🌸
With government judges deciding foundational cases in which the government itself is a party 🙄- specifically the US Supreme Court repeatedly deciding whether indigenous tribes or the US government have legitimate land rights- the obvious conflict of interests are yielding predictably extraordinary injustices.
To try to validate the US government’s land claims, the Supreme Court repeatedly and recently cites the genocidal “Doctrine of Discovery” proclaimed by the popes of the Catholic Church in the 1400s (and rejected by the Church itself this year) 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. This eye-opening, though-provoking documentary elaborates: https://tinyurl.com/BadDoctrine.
You can help to culturally evolve this paradigm by first familiarizing yourself with the rightful indigenous stewards of the land where you are based (through https://native-land.ca/). By opening meetings, events, and introductions that take place on their lands by first voicing your acknowledgment of the rightful seniority of the hosting tribe, and kindly expressing your appreciation for their ongoing land stewardship to the best of their abilities- you can (analogously to fanning the flames of a fire) help to expand awareness of this matter until the cultural momentum necessitates organizational evolution. 🌸🌺💖🌎💖🌺🌸
This video dramatization illustrates how truly objective justice from the Supreme Court could be delivered: https://tinyurl.com/ObjectiveJustice. 🌸🌺💖🌎💖🌺🌸
Indigenousness is not an arbitrary culture, but can be condensed to the practice of genuinely adhering to personal conscience as one’s highest loyalty. This integrity encompasses line-of-sight and accountability to our personal long-range effects on the natural environment.
If we do not have line of sight to what we're doing, how can we possibly be doing it responsibly? 🙄
Consistently with the supremacy of personal conscience, please do not take this presentation or anything else at face value. Let it float around in your internal deliberation, and then adhere to whatever your conscience progressively guides. ✨🌟💖💖💖💖💖🌟✨
We learned from the Nuremberg trials following World War 2 that “just obeying orders” is not a defense. We each have a higher responsibility to our conscience than to obedience. Yet the fundamental premise of government is that we are obligated to obey orders. Upon this scrutiny, it is evident that government reduces to legitimate governance over nothing. ✨💐🌺💖🌺💐✨
Do we want extremely powerful, completely soulless, totally-blindly-obedient entities/machines curating world affairs? If not (which we presumably learned from World War 2), then we should firmly oppose artificial intelligence (AI). 🚫🚫⛔⛔⛔🚫🚫
Every act of existing involves both upstream trust (of sources) and downstream trust (of audiences). Trust is ultimately inescapable amidst conscious reality; every activity requires voluntary collaboration. Therefore, in the big picture, pursuits to avoid trust are ultimately terminated by the refusals of necessary collaborators. ✨💐🌺💐💖🌺💖🌺💖💐🌺💐✨
Likewise, there can be no fundamental conflicts in the grand scheme- just misunderstandings of how trust is invested. And these misunderstandings can be addressed through situational insights as revealed by conscience.
We should value souls equally, rather than valuing units of currency equally. Do we want everyone doing what they believe in their deepest heart to be right, or doing random (often blind and destructive) things that bring them (unbacked=fiat) money issued by a (innately-illegitimate) government? 🙄
You are not responsible for the whole world, but you are singularly and totally responsible for all of your own choices comprising the story of your existence. If you don’t like who you previously were, your point-of-view proves that you have already evolved beyond it. ✨💐🌺💖🌺💐✨
Your trust in others will be a reflection of your trust in yourself. Trust yourself as best you can. 💖🌺
If we don’t have a strong understanding of reality, that is an obvious problem- and we are likely to tragically stumble. So it is important to recognize that reality is spiritual- grounded in innate trust, rather than in confidence surrounding arbitrary perceptions of patterns and pattern continuity. 💖🌺
The “batting average” of science is nowhere near perfect. It is merely reported as perfect by unscientifically/irrationally only scoring itself against its own successes- and dismissing violations as matters of spirituality (into an arena so large that it constitutes its own discipline, supported by 80% of the earth human population). 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
In addition to the timeless metaphysical experiences of indigenous cultures, in addition to the powerful metaphysical outcomes of consciousness research, in addition to the metaphysical nature of quantum physics, and in addition to widespread contemporary public contact experiences including those captured on camera and video- Dr. Steven Greer has organized a massive, extreme-credibility, coalition of diverse whistleblowers who have successfully attested to broad government concealment/mismanagement of public-interest metaphysical knowledge. Their highly-embarrassing claims about the government have for decades remained legally uncontested- entrenching the whistleblowers’ credibility. ✨💐🌺💐🌺💐🌺💖💐💖🌺💖🌺💖💐💖🌺💐🌺💐🌺💐✨
The government has sought to avoid litigation that would illuminate and further substantiate their claims, with this point being reinforced through the synchronistic onscreen cameo of our soul family member. ✨💐🌟💐🌟🌸🌟🌺🌟💖💖💝💖💝💖💝💖💖🌟🌺🌟🌸🌟💐🌟💐✨
Dr. Greer’s amazing whistleblower project (which- upon intensive scrutiny- conclusively convinced me of metaphysical reality prior to my abundance of firsthand experience) is overviewed at https://tinyurl.com/MetaphysicsIsReal. ✨💐🌺💖🌺💐✨
As for onscreen cameos, an abundance of mind-blowing, heartwarming soul family member visitations are presented and discussed at https://tinyurl.com/AmazingCameos. 💐🌺💖🌺💐✨
Returning to the matter of corruption, social reharmonization requires conscience-based [trust/courageous understanding]: https://tinyurl.com/StandingSong. Even though [short-range/mid-range] objections may be crucial, harmony must remain the paramount long-range goal. 💐🌺💖🌺
Our consciences speak to us through feelings and intuitions, which we should attentively heed. 💐
Reality is formed from the back-and-forth dynamics of [trust/investment] and [creativity/options].
[Trust/investment] constitutes a venue for [creativity/options]. 💐
[Creativity/options] constitute venues for [trust/investment]. 💖
Widely-spanning trust (service to all) facilitates more [creative/empowering] options than does narrowly-spanning trust (service to oneself). ✨💐🌺💐💖🌺💖🌺💖💐🌺💐✨
While communication innately simplifies reality, we can say in the context at hand that total power equals no power. Being perfect means that nothing is available to perfect. We can either hold a hand of cards or play it- but not both. We can either hold onto a piece of cake or eat it- but not both. Potential (opportunities) and reality (capabilities) are zero-sum entities.
Consciousness resides among the infinite middle grounds of potential (opportunities) and reality (capabilities). ✨💐🌺💖🌺💐✨
Opportunities constitute venues for trust. Capabilities constitute the skills of trust. 💐🌺💖🌺💐✨
Our consciences, our sacrosanct compasses toward [virtue/trust], are as unique as the situations comprising our souls. ✨💐🌺💐💖🌺💖🌺💖💐🌺💐✨
To help ensure that one’s integrity to their own conscience is honored as sacrosanct, others’ integrity to their own consciences should correspondingly be honored as sacrosanct.
As reality is innately powered by trust, fear condenses to temporary local misunderstandings of how trust is being exercised. Such misunderstandings innately [disempower/dampen the trust available to] those whose actions fail to recruit collaborators.
The exploration themes of our sequential [existences/lives] are known as “spiritual densities”. 💐✨
Spiritual densities are arranged in octaves, such that Density 8 of one octave constitutes Density 1 of the next octave:
🌺 Density 1 – Awareness (of how others trust us, and how we trust them).
🌺 Density 2 – Action with others.
🌺 Density 3 – Planning that guides our actions.
🌺 Density 4 – Love that is more loyal to everyone, than to our own local selves.
🌺 Density 5 – Wisdom of optimizing our loving service to most greatly benefit all.
🌺 Density 6 – Exercising optimization amidst flexibility with in-process love.
🌺 Density 7 – Unifying between the immediacy and abstraction, the short-term and the long-term.
🌺 Density 8 – Fully unifying everything, establishing awareness of solidified harmony.
Successful fourth density allegiance to everyone (moreso than to one’s local self) facilitates fluid (not necessarily sequential) exploration of the full octave. ✨💐🌺💖🌺💖🌈💖🌺💖🌺💐✨
In the reality before us, environmental responsibility is an obvious venue for establishing loyalty beyond oneself. ✨✨✨💐🌺💐🌺💖🌺💖🌺💐🌎💐🌺💖🌺💖🌺💐🌺💐✨✨✨
The easy way to end earth humans’ parasitic abuse of Gaia would be to eliminate us (which Gaia can easily do- and impactfully has done in the distant past- through natural disasters such as tectonic shifts and extreme weather). Yet we are still here, and our spiritually-senior soul family is increasingly engaging with us. This suggests (in combination with our own incarnation decisions to be present here and now) that we should focus upon our obvious responsibility of cleaning up our environmental messes. ✨✨✨💐🌺💐💖🌺💖🌺💐🌎💐🌺💖🌺💖💐🌺💐✨✨✨
We should focus not upon convenience within the parasitic status quo, but upon adherence to our consciences in helping to restore the course of history back to environmental responsibility. This includes line-of-sight to the consequences of our actions, and visionary stewardship for endless generations. ✨✨✨💐🌺💐💖🌺💖🌺💐🌎💐🌺💖🌺💖💐🌺💐✨✨✨
Our soul family is not our maid service, and we are not their managers. They are also not authorities who we should treat as tentative scapegoats, by blindly deferring instead of holding accountability to our own consciences. We are all a family, and are each responsible to the guidance of our own unique conscience- as we proceed to manifest our piece of the overall puzzle. ✨💐🌺💖🌺💐✨
Our soul family has powerful spiritual wisdom and acumen (including the ability to telepathically guide their earth human friends), and we (upon choosing to be those actively-listening friends) have powerful opportunities to share their gracious wisdom in loving and familiar ways with fellow earth humans who are not yet as immersed in metaphysical reality.
Unconditional love allows fluid navigation of a full spiritual octave. ✨💐💖🌺💖🌈💖🌺💖💐✨
Infinite octaves of spiritual densities are believed to exist. Each octave can be conceptualized as a circle, and sequential octaves can be conceptualized as a spiral. ✨✨✨🌈🌈🌈✨✨✨
By recognizing the cyclicality and proportionality of the octaves, the fluid navigation of a single octave can tentatively be extended to all octaves. This insight is the core of the presentation.
By vicariously observing, through one’s heart, the lessons of tentatively all densities and octaves, one can tentatively (if they choose) spare themselves many lives. 💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖
Hopefully this video constitutes an example of the profound conversations that can stem from land acknowledgements of our spiritually-senior indigenous family. Please explore the introduced links, and enjoy the extensive body of spiritual content available through EveryoneIsFamily.com. 💖🌈💖
✨🌺💐🌺✨ “Instead of looking for hope- start creating it.” -Greta Thunberg ✨🌺💐🌺✨
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1.) Nature.
2.) Indigenous rights.
3.) Other social conventions.
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